Disciplinary Counsel

Disciplinary Counsel is an attorney admitted to practice law in the Virgin Islands employed by the Virgin Islands Supreme Court, who is responsible for investigating and prosecuting complaints against judges filed with the Commission. The main duties and responsibilities of Disciplinary Counsel, as provided by Rule 209.4, are to:

  • Receive and screen complaints, conduct preliminary investigations, recommend to an investigative panel of the Commission and upon authorization conduct full investigations, notify complainants about the status and disposition of their complaints, make recommendations to an investigative panel on the disposition of complaints after full investigation, file formal charges when directed to do so by an investigative panel, prosecute formal charges, and file notices of exceptions to the hearing panel's findings, conclusions, recommendations for sanctions, or orders of dismissal; 
  • Maintain permanent records of the Disciplinary Counsel office's operations, including receipt of complaints, screening, investigation, and filing of formal charges in judicial discipline and incapacity matters, subject to the requirements of Rule 209.18; 
  • Compile statistics to aid in the administration of the system, including but not limited to a log of all complaints received, investigative files, and statistical summaries of docket processing and case dispositions; and 
  • Perform other duties at the direction of the Virgin Islands Supreme Court or the Commission. 

Complaints against judges may be filed with the Commission by submitting a signed written complaint containing the essential information contained in the Complaint Form, to the office of Disciplinary Counsel at the address shown on the complaint form. To file a complaint and follow the complaint process, please review and follow the procedures set forth in Supreme Court Rule 209 and the Commission's IOP's.